Wednesday, 18 March 2015


Good morning,
Today I am sharing some thoughts with you. They are just random sparkles that come to me and leave me if I don't share them with people around me.
One word - ENJOY. Please, try to enjoy everything you are doing today, everything you are seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, smelling. EVERYTHING. Give it a try for one day and see what happens.
It is a hot day in Melbourne (surprisingly warm for autumn). It's sunny. The sky is blue
If you are (my reader) are Russian-speaking, I can suggest to read and watch Nikolay Pejchev, Oleg Gadetski or Vadim Zeland
If you are not))), then Louise Hay, Abraham Hicks, The Secret would be a way for you.
Please have a look, have a read. There are some simple thoughts, points, terms that we can use every day to make our journey that much simpler, that much enjoyable

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