I've taken a whole lot of interesting and useful stuff with me.
First and foremost, I've taken plenty of
It's hot and humid on Bali. You can't drink tap water but there is plenty of bottled water around. Just add a sachet of Coral-Mine to your bottle and you are in (you are drinking magic water. You want to know more. You can read it here: http://coralclub.com/en/catalog/health/antioxidants/koral-mayn/?sphrase_id=301377
2) I've had a generous helping of Tumeric (Kurkuma) to prevent bugs (stomach) and any infection in general
Taking 2 capsules in the mornings and 2 capsules in the evening did the trick. To learn more, http://coralclub.com/en/catalog/health/healthy-digestion/zaferan/?sphrase_id=301379
3) I had my trusty Silver-Max spray with me on the bed-side table. Sore throat. Runny nose. Scratches. Blisters. Anything at all. It's safe. It's not accumulating in your body (don't listen to scary stories). It does not sting, smell or taste of anything. It's Holy Water in a convenient packaging
These were my saviours in Bali. I've taken lots of other stuff as well: vitamins, Alfalfa, Omega (fat acid), Assimilator, LymFlow to name a few. But this is another story and another point.
What I am trying to say here, to share with all my readers is the useful and handy advice on what to use when travelling in general and when travelling to places like Bali in particular (where you do not know what the water, food, climate is going to be like and what affect it will have on you and your health).
Let me know what you think and if you have any useful advice on travel and health
Stay happy, stay well
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