Thursday, 30 June 2016

Melt your Weight away with this Fruity Hot Drink

Cocktail "Melting Weight"

Ingredients and dosage:

Empty sachet of Slim by Slim, 1 capsule of LymFlow and 2 capsules of Coral Carnitine into a cup and fill with hot water. 

Drink as a tea first thing in the morning or just before bed.

Easy? Almost. Try drinking it for 21 days to make it a habit. I am still working on it.

  • a bit of weight is gone (I sort of subsided on the sides)))
  • more energy
  • less appetite
  • different taste (don't require as much sweets - chocolate or snacks between meals)
Will wait and see

Sunday, 28 February 2016

ALIVE. Top 5 Cleaning Tips

Alive Series - "Green" Household Cleaners

If you are like me, you hate cleaning. BUT. You live, you breath, you make a mess. You have to clean. Right? Right. Or... you can make someone else clean for you. Lucky you.

I am not that lucky (My 14 y.o. daughter helps me a lot) BUT she leaves all the joyful cleaning to me (bathroom, kitchen, floor, etc).

Given that I am all into Coral Club Int. and all into their health concept - hydrate-clean-feed-protect and into all of their products, I use them all. I try them all, experiment with them and share my results and findings with anybody who is willing to listen.

What's in ALIVE products, you can read here LINK

Here, however, I will run you through first 5 Cleaning Tips with Alive (they just might be the same as their Features). Bear with me

  1. Alive F - Floor and Tiles Cleaner - does not leave unseemly marks on your floor or wall tiles, cleans off stains very easily, does not have any smell. 
  2. Alive A - Universal Cleaner - can clean your car leather upholstery very easily
  3. Alive B - Bathroom and Toilet Cleaner - has strong citrus smell - cleans off shower scum very easily, just dilute 1/4 (not 1/5 as per usual) for stronger and older dirt 

  4. Alive D - Hypo-allergic Dishwashing Liquid - is very concentrated. You only need a drop.
    PLEASE do not use it as your dishwasher detergent - it is too foamy for it. Given that Alive D is hypo-allergic and is all 'green' cleaner, you can even soak your fruit and veggies in the weak solution of it before washing and eating them (it cleans your produce from chemicals)
  5. Alive G - Glass and Mirror Cleaner - similar to Alive F - does not leave any running marks on your glass and mirrors. Just spray it on. It leaves your glass surfaces clean, sparkling and fresh
Please feel free to e-mail me at

Stay healthy and protected

Green Household Cleaners from France

Flint. Flint Water Crisis that is OR New Erin Brokovich story

I've subscribed to various Google Alerts (thanks to +Yvonne Adele for reminder to do so). One of them being "water filter".

Surprisingly, almost all of the news in this alert are from US and are from Flint Water Crisis.

What happened? 

Tap Water in Flint, US

#Lead contaminated water, that's what happened

       "The inspector’s reading of the Walter home found that the water contained lead levels at 104 parts per billion (ppb) – anything over 15 ppb is considered unsafe by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). When they tested the water again in March 2015, they found it had lead levels of 397 ppb"

Highly corrosive water from Detroit (damaged pipes and made water even worse

        "The water from the Flint river was highly corrosive and therefore damaged the lead pipes that it flowed through, but officials did not implement corrosion control to prevent lead from leaching into the water"

Health effects of such an occurrence are multi-fold (children are most affected).

Situation: At this moment, drinking water are turned off at schools and universities. People are hunting for bottled water. They don't drink from the taps anywhere. They don't swim in their pools. They are anxious and are worried.

Solution: filters, filters, filters. Simple filters (to get rid of mechanical nasties), more complex (to clean and ionize water), ideal (mechanical filter, ionizing water and mineralizing it the natural way)

Clean Water - Clean bill of health

Thursday, 18 February 2016

10 reasons to do what you do

I attended Social Media Seminar last night. It was presented by my City Council. The woman who run the seminar was one amazingly sparkling ball of energy, drive and positivity +Yvonne Adele  is her name. Look her up. Talk to her. If she lets you, pick her brain)). Carefully that is.

There are many things I've taken out of the night. Blogs ideas. Content Calendar and many more.

One that really stuck with me was: 10 Reasons to do what you do. Why am I doing what I do? What do I tell my clients when they come to me?

Here is a spiel.

1. It is my personal journey. Journey from illness (cancer) to very slow and frustrating recovery to finally finding something that works. Really works. Long Term. No looking back
Me in 2010

Me and my daughter in 2015

2. Because I can see other people getting amazing results. My family included

3. Because I can see my mum has become a different person - she is driven, energetic, excited, healthier, stronger. She wants so many things in her life. She wants to help so many people. She is continually learning more and more stuff - what a way to grow

4. Because I trust the products. I trust them because my mum thoroughly researched them, because I trust people who created them and their credentials (Scientists from France, South Korea, Canada, Germany, Israel, USA and Russia)

4. Because the approach we are using is SYSTEMATIC and COMPLETE. We do not poke problems one at a time. We look at the body as a whole. We work at helping to Re-Boot (thank you +Rita Joyan for re-constructing my "WANT"))) the body and let it work the way it is supposed to.

5. Because it is not a short-term effect. We are working on long-term goals. We are looking ahead

6. Because this approach is ANTI-DIET. Don't starve your body. Don't lack in any nutrients (including carbs and oils). But work with all of them properly, smartly

7. Because I constantly learn new things, interesting things, exciting things and realise that I want to learn more

8. Because I meet a lot of interesting people all the time. People with their own stories. We help each other. We grow together. We learn from one another

9. Because my business makes me move out of my comfort zone and learn new things, do new things. Some of them are so not-me that I would have never thought I'd be able to do them

10. Because I am building a future for myself and my daughter. A brighter, more exciting future with more freedom and flexibility, with more opportunities and possibilities

Here is my spiel.
What's your comment?